About Our School
What We Stand For
Little Prairie is a family with lots of children and full of love. The young ones and teachers in our kindergarten are blessed! At Little Prairie we believe in the constructivist’s approach of teaching and learning, therefore the children contrive knowledge by making sense of what they are experiencing.
Our goal
Through the Fun way of Learning
Through the employment of FunGates System every child in our kindergarten is showered with lots of love and care, thus giving them the best environment to grow into confident and loving individuals. As a result, they are well nurtured academically, socially and spiritually with great emphasis towards shaping their character. Above all, it is in this wholesome environment of Little Prairie that a FunGates child is so outstanding and they are definitely a cut above the rest.
A word From
Our Director
We thank God for blessing Little Prairie through the FunGates System of Education. Under the direction of the founder of FunGates Education, Clarine Chun, our curriculum strives to equip students with the 21st Century Competencies, namely communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, care and choice.
Proverbs 22:6 says “ Train up the child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Here at Little Prairie, we not only strive to give the best to the children academically, on top of that we also nurture their values and give them a healthy environment to grow in socially, emotionally and physically.
The children at Little Prairie enjoy the conducive environment for learning and development. Besides that, they also rejoice the support and blessings from the parents and friends, love and dedication from the teachers, as well as the very interesting, student-centred and exclusive curriculum that has been established over three decades and established in about hundred FunGates schools.
Little Prairie, as a learning organization, will continue to improve and strive to give the best to all the children. Most importantly, we would like to thank all parents for their support and trust in Little Prairie. God Bless!
– Janice Gan
我们感谢上帝通过FunGates教育系统祝福Little Prairie。在FunGates教育创始人Clarine Chun的指导下,我们的课程致力于培养学生21世纪所需具备的能力,即沟通,协作,批判性思维,创造力,关怀和选择.
在Little Prairie,我们不仅在学术上给与孩子们最好的,并提供健康的环境培养他们的社交能力,价值观,情感及身体发展。
Little Prairie的孩子们在有益的环境下,在父母和朋友的支持和祝福,在老师的爱心和奉献精神,并于非常有趣,以学生为中心的专属课程下学习与成长。Fungates课程在专人约三十年的设计及研究下建立约百家FunGates学校。
Little Prairie作为一个学习型组织,将继续改进并努力给与孩子最好的,我们感谢所有家长对Little Prairie的支持和信任。感恩上帝的祝福。
What Parents are Saying
吓到我了!! 儿子你太棒了!! 为您感到骄傲!! ?
感恩 Little Prairie Kindergarten老师们的爱心教导,让他学会自立,在学习中快乐健康的成长。。。感恩❤
“2017小草原恳亲会. Little Prairie Kindergarten 全体合唱you raise me up这歌, 令我感触很多也非常的不舍, 谢谢小草原所有的老师们辛苦的付出培育一批好学生. 小草原的老师们真心的谢谢你们, 感恩!”
“Gavin是从别的幼儿园转到现在的学校,一开始真的跟不上 不过在短短的一个月 突飞猛进。到今天完全很ok。今天还做了英文司仪 I’m so proud of him!!!!!
感谢Little Prairie Kindergarten 谢谢老师悉心教导 完全没有后悔选择转校。本人大大大大力推荐. 虽然gavin毕业了有点不舍得不过很快Gareth也会过去 真的是很等不及(三岁啦) ❤️”
Target Enrollment
Yearly School Excursions
years established
Average Student-Teacher Ratio
Get In Touch
Eco Botani Telephone and WhatsApp: +6 016 735 4699
Johor Jaya Telephone and WhatsApp: +6 011 3618 4699
Email: littleprairie.eco@gmail.com
Operating Hours: M-F: 8:00am - 5:00pm